The Relaunch of IKILLYA!
By Jason Lekberg

Hello friends. I'm back.
It's been quite a journey putting the reunion show together and getting to live in the music again really got me excited for IKILLYA. So, I'm relaunching the band. If you want to watch the video I created about this, you can do so here.
Moving forward, I will retain control of IKILLYA as it's only official member. The primary reason for this is that while all humans have the right to make changes in their life at any point, I do not ever again want to be in a position where the work and time I've invested is lost due to a partners choice.
I will be putting together a new live version of the band, and if you'd like to be a part of that, email me here. I'll be looking for dynamic players who are excited to put on an energetic show. Compensation will be discussed.
I will also be writing many different musicians. If you'd like to be a part of that process, I'd love to hear from you as well. You will retain songwriter and publishing rights according to the splits we agree upon when the song(s) is finished.
I'm excited to get this show back on the road and look forward to seeing you all yelling gang vocals back in my face again very soon!
Arm Yourselves!